Keeping Harvest Records For Better Hunting | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

Keeping Harvest Records For Better Hunting

By: admin

Hunting season is well underway in most states and the rut is almost here for much of the north and Midwest. Make sure to take the time to record body weights, age from jaw bones, and any other information you can gather from the deer you harvest this year. When you are managing a piece of property, it is always helpful to have harvest records to go back and look at to see how your management techniques are paying off.

This is also a good time to write down what the conditions were when you killed a good buck or saw good movement, such as date, temperature, moon phase, barometric pressure, and stand location. Land managers should also record their food plot information on a yearly basis. Soil samples, fertilizer applications, type of seed used, and planting dates are all valuable information to be able to look up.

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