Advanaced Food Plot Planting Tactics | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

Advanaced Food Plot Planting Tactics


Advanced Food Plot Planting Tactics

Advanced food plot planting tactics – with all of the research that has taken place over the last 15-20 years on the importance nutrition plays in the quest for healthier and bigger deer, gamekeepers have a lot of resources at their disposal so they know what, when, where, why and how to grow crops that are going to benefit their deer herd and other wildlife.

There are a number of advantages to plot partitioning or planting several crops in the same area. Regardless of where you live in the whitetails’ range, your deer are going to go through several changes in their nutritional needs during the course of a year. Having a diversity of crops planted that meet these needs increases the attractiveness of your land and your chances of growing and holding quality deer. Plot partitioning works best when you have larger fields to work with, 3 acres seems to be a good starting point. This doesn’t mean you can’t use this technique in smaller fields, but it can limit its effectiveness.

One question that I get asked quite often is, “What should I plant to keep deer in my plots for the entire hunting season?” Regardless of where you live, just one planting would have a hard time being everything your deer herd needs for the early, mid and late hunting season. Plot partitioning can really help in providing an attractive and nutritious food source throughout the changes that take place from September to January. This point is even further evident with some states starting their whitetail season as early as August and going into February.

So let’s say we have a 5 acre field somewhere in the North or Midwest that we want to develop into a hunting Mecca all the way from early through to late season. Ideally I would utilize 3-4 different plantings to help achieve that task.

Early Spring Clover Blend

To begin this project we would need to start off in the early spring by prepping 1 acre of the plot to be spring-planted with a perennial clover blend. This perennial portion of the plot would spend the spring and summer establishing a solid root system and by late summer would be a really attractive plot that should provide good forage for the early part of the deer season. Keep in mind you would need to manage the perennials properly through the warm months to ensure its success.

Perimeter Food Plot Planting

The next advanaced food plot planting tactic is one that can really help set your plot apart from the average as well as increasing its feeling of security to your deer. In the late spring/early summer plant the perimeter of the field in a tall growing annual that will screen the plot and provide a good transition zone from woods or thickets to the plot. This perimeter screen only has to be 1 or 2 tractor widths wide to achieve its purpose.

Blind Spot is a great seed blend for this screen effect, it can easily grow 7 to12 feet high. I also like to use a strip of Blind Spot to partition portions of the field. This achieves a couple of goals, 1) the deer feel safer because from their point of view the field appears smaller and 2) it keeps your plantings separate and adds to the diversity of the field. Using a tall screen to partition off your plantings can be done in any direction or design that fits the shape of your field. Blind Spot can also be used as a great way to hide your approach into different stands you have around the field. Not only does it make a great way to hide your entrance but you can also use Blind Spot to hide the view of plots from roads or nosy neighbors that may be able to see your plots.

You can also utilize native warm season grasses as a more long term, perennial option for your screening and partitioning fields. These will require some management and attention to ensure a good stand that meets your goals. Nativ Nurseries’ Barrier Blend was designed with this purpose in mind. It contains varieties such as Big Bluestem, Alamo Switchgrass, Iron Weed, Maximillian Sunflower, and White Wingstem that will average 7 to 10 feet in height.

Cool Season Annuals

So now we are in the summer to late summer (depending upon your location, north to south) and it’s time to using next advanaced food plot planting tactic and start preparing the rest of the field for cool season annuals. In addition to the perennials, we need to create some more early and mid-season forage. Over the last couple of years, my go-to combination for this is a mix of oats and Deer Radish. These two crops are great companions and are extremely attractive during September through November. Of the 4 acres we have remaining available to plant in this scenario; I would plant two of them in this oats and radish combo. Depending on what state you are planting in, this is a mid-late August planting for the middle of the country.

In the north you may be better off planting the oats and Deer Radish separately since ideal planting dates could be as much as a month or more apart. For instance, in the upper tier of states and Canada, you may want to plant brassicas like radishes as early as mid-July and cereals like oats as late as mid-August.

Late Season Brassicas

So with two acres remaining to plant we should be thinking about the late season. This December-February part of the year can be taxing on a whitetail’s body. Bucks are chasing does and fighting, does are constantly running from bucks, and they are all on high alert by this time of year from all forms of different predators, including hunters tromping through the woods.

A reliable late season food source can be the difference maker in filling your tag with a good mature buck. This is where I rely on the brassica family of plants, Maximum and Winter Bulbs in particular. The Deer Radishes may still be attractive during late season, but they tend to turn attractive earlier than the different types of brassicas in Maximum or Winter Bulbs & Sugar Beets.  These two blends are similar in that they are both 100% brassica blends, Maximum is heavier in forage production, whereas Winter Bulbs & Sugar Beets is heavier in bulb production. So with the two acres left, I would plant 1 acre in each of these two blends to create a lot of late season attraction and nutrition to the field.

Mast Producing Trees Food Plot Planting

One more next advanaced food plot planting tactic that you can look into when separating or partitioning plots is the use of soft or hard mast producing trees as the partition rather than the grasses we talked about prior. Depending on the species of trees planted and where you live, you can add early or late season appeal to your plot with mast producing trees that drop their acorns or fruit at key times of the season. Instead of planting the trees in typical orchard fashion, they can be planted in wide spaced rows that allow for easier viewing and are not so close that you can’t maneuver around them with tractors and implements. When planted wide enough, some managers even use the area in between their tree rows to plant different food plot crops.

These are all options to use when partitioning crops, there is no right or wrong way to do it. The main idea is to take an area and use several crops and plants to increase the diversity of your land and provide your deer security and season long food choices. Different parts of the county will require slightly different timing on the planting of these crops, check out the Gamekeeper’s website for ideal planting times for your part of the country.



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