Why Do Whitetail Deer Grow Antlers | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

Why Do Whitetail Deer Grow Antlers

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper
YouTube video

On this episode of The GameKeepers of Mossy Oak we take a deep dive into what exactly is antler genesis? We’re joined by Dr. Steve Demarais and Dr. Bronson Strickland with Mississippi State University Deer Lab to learn why, when and how whitetail deer grow new antlers every year. We also discuss the best practices to maximize a whitetail bucks full potential, including managing food plots and what to plant to provide the best nutrition.

• Why do whitetail deer have antlers?
• How do whitetail deer antlers grow?
• What is antler genesis?
• Why do deer grow a new set of antlers each year?
• What are the 3 Factors of antler growth?
• What’s the single most important factor of determining antler size?
• What to plant for whitetail deer?
• How to age deer on the hoof?
• How to plant clover?

Special Guest

• Dr. Bronson Bronson Strickland, MSU Deer Lab and Professor of Wildlife Management at Mississippi State University
• Dr. Steve Demarais, MSU Deer Lab and Professor of Wildlife Ecology & Management at Mississippi State University

MSU Deer Lab – https://www.msudeer.msstate.edu/
Mississippi State University – https://www.msstate.edu/

For more info on managing land and wildlife visit: https://mossyoakgamekeeper.com/

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