Episode 148 on the Gamekeeper Podcast - @natureism3tal @DruryOutdoors | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

Episode 148 on the Gamekeeper Podcast – @natureism3tal @DruryOutdoors

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper
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Whitetails are North America’s most popular big game animal. They are beloved. However, the rut (breeding period) for whitetails can be fierce. Mature bucks will not hesitate to fight for a breeding opportunity, and these fights can turn deadly if the two bucks become locked to one another.

It happens more often than we’d like to think, and almost always ends in a tragic, slow death. Broken necks, gouged eyes, exhausted combatants falling victim to opportunistic coyotes…all of this and more could potentially happen as part of their nightmarish yearly contest.

However, this occurrence did have a positive ending. Two hunters, Mark Drury and Wade Robinson, risked life and limb to free the bucks from certain death. One buck died but the other survived. Mother Nature is one TOUGH mother.

Be sure to listen to our latest interview featuring the curator of Nature is Metal, on Gamekeeper Podcast # 148. It’s a fascinating discussion of a lesser-seen side of nature.

You don’t want to miss this one!

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