EP:98 | No-Till Without a Drill | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:98 | No-Till Without a Drill

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper
YouTube video

This week on the podcast we dive deep into more efficient methods of establishing plantings for wildlife, without having to till the soil. Methods such as Throw-and-Mow and Frost or Snow Seeding are increasing in popularity because it’s easy, cheaper, better for soil health and ultimately the critters. The use of implements such as roller-crimpers are explained as a way of cutting back on herbicide use and improving growing conditions. Gamekeeper Magazine Editor-in-Chief and our Northern food plot specialist, Todd Amenrud, and his uncle and incredibly knowledgeable hunting buddy, Dave Medvecky, share their successes with these planting methods. Lastly, Dudley answers a question from a listener about Catalpa worms for fishing. Listen, Learn and Enjoy!

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