EP:84 | Hens And Poults | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:84 | Hens And Poults

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper
YouTube video

This week we have Dr. Michael Byrne, Assistant Professor of Wildlife Ecology at the University of Missouri, and Reina Tyl, Wild Turkey Biologist for the Missouri Department of Conservation, and we discuss the research they are doing on turkey reproduction. The project is impressive as they are tagging close to 50 hens with GPS transmitters, and plan to attach smaller VHF transmitters to poults to study their individual survival. The information they have learned so far is impressive with more to come. We also have Neill and Daniel Haas in the studio to talk about two new Mossy Oak projects that everyone will want to learn about– The upcoming Mr. Fox turkey vest, and the new Mossy Oak Turkey Stamp. Listen, Learn and Enjoy!
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