EP:83 | Turkey Poaching Ring Busted | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:83 | Turkey Poaching Ring Busted

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper
YouTube video

Have you heard about the group of South Mississippi turkey poachers who were caught with over 100 illegal turkey kills in one season? This week we interview the Mississippi Game Wardens who dedicated their lives to solving this case. There were over 280 violations involving 14 people, and the violations stretched from their home state of Mississippi to Nebraska, and several states in-between. The wardens answer all of our questions as we get a peek into the dark underworld of poaching –and it’s not as dark as we thought– meaning it could be the person sitting at the restaurant table next to you. It’s a must listen podcast to help protect our beloved wild turkeys. Listen, Learn, and Enjoy!

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