EP:317 | Bonus: Bob Dixon Remembered | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:317 | Bonus: Bob Dixon Remembered

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper
YouTube video

On this very special episode, we honor the memory of the late Bob Dixon. His name gets mentioned so often and the stories of Bob are legendary. He was a key player in the early days of Mossy Oak and his hunting prowess, quick wit, pranks and his zest for squeezing the most from life are all to be admired. His son Will Dixon joins us and many hilarious stories get shared. It’s a chance to honor a friend and remind ourselves what is actually important. Listen, Learn and Enjoy.

Show Notes:
The Legacy of the Mossy Oak Dixon Vest: https://www.mossyoak.com/our-obsession/blogs/hunting-gear/the-legacy-of-the-mossy-oak-dixon-vest
Bob Dixon Truth About Spring Turkey Hunting (1987): https://youtu.be/_tVD32OMYCA?si=y1YD_y12tlCHnXcA

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