EP:309 | Bonus: A Tribute to Trees | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:309 | Bonus: A Tribute to Trees

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper
YouTube video

This week the Gamekeeper Crew airs from the back porch (a.k.a. “The Porch of No Worries”) of the Haas Family cabin in Alabama. It was a welcomed stop on the way home from recording about wild turkey reintroductions and visiting Choctaw Bluff in rural South Alabama, and we were enthused to talk about all things trees and how they inspire us. This pod contains a mashup of history, including the story of the Mossy Oak tree, science, spirituality, basic and advanced how-to, philosophy and overall just getting excited about trees. Listen, Learn, and Enjoy!

Show Notes:
Nativ Nurseries: https://www.nativnurseries.com/

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