EP:279 | Shot Placement, Blood Trails, and Big Bucks | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:279 | Shot Placement, Blood Trails, and Big Bucks

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper
YouTube video

This week we are joined by a very special guest, 84-year-old Dr. Joe Bumgarner to discuss the intricate details of what actually causes the demise of a bow-shot deer. The many skinning shed autopsies he has performed has helped him diagnosis cause and correlate it with blood sign and the length of the blood trail. He has analyzed and explains all this to help bow hunters and gun hunters evaluate their hits and make smart decisions. Dr. Bumgarner also tells the story of his latest Mississippi buck named Houdini, a 175-inch monster typical. Lastly, his story of falling from a treestand, setting his broken femur in the woods and laying all night waiting for help will amaze you. You have to listen to this one. Listen, Learn and Enjoy.

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