EP:236 | Bonus: Chufas | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:236 | Bonus: Chufas

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper
YouTube video

This week’s BONUS episode is a deep dive into understanding chufas. Our expert guests Travis Sumner of SC and Jacob Gray of MS, are two long time Gamekeepers who have literally planted thousands of acres of chufas for turkeys. We talk about where they came from, why turkeys love them, when to plant, how to plant, fertilizer and herbicides. Suffice it to say, we learned a lot. If you’re interested in turkeys and plant chufas or are thinking about it, this podcast will help you. Listen Learn and Enjoy.

Show Notes:
BioLogic’s NWTF Turkey Gold Chufa Seed: https://www.plantbiologic.com/products/turkey-gold-chufa-food-plot-seed

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