EP:221 | Deer Season Starts Right Now | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:221 | Deer Season Starts Right Now

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper
YouTube video

This week we are joined in studio by one of our favorite guests, Dr. Bronson Strickland, for a lively discussion on whitetails. Bronson also brought Moriah Boggess, a brilliant young Deer Biologist who works with him at Wildlife Investments where they work with landowners to implement habitat management plans. We ask them both to help explain what Gamekeepers can be doing right now to influence herd health and antler development. We discuss habitat enhancements, forest stand improvement, mineral pros and cons, supplemental feeding, warm season plantings, antler genesis, shed hunting and clover performance. We also ask whether we are in the good old days for whitetails or if they are behind us? We appreciate their perspective and we think you will as well. Listen, Lean and Enjoy.

Show Notes:
MSU Deer Lab: https://www.msudeer.msstate.edu/
Wildlife Investments: https://wildlifeinvestments.com/

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