EP:211 | Cannon Netting and Relocating Mississippi’s Wild Turkeys | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:211 | Cannon Netting and Relocating Mississippi’s Wild Turkeys

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper
YouTube video

This week we have a truly special guest in Mr. Benny Herring. Anybody that turkey hunts in Mississippi owes him a debt of gratitude, you see Mr. Herring was one of the first team of biologists that trapped and relocated wild turkeys across the state. During the late 1960’s through the early 80’s he was involved in over 90 cannon net captures and releases. His stories are fantastic and transport the listener back into time when there weren’t many turkeys or turkey hunters. The story of this small group of men, learning and perfecting their craft is one every turkey hunter needs to here. Similar stories were unfolding in many states and these Keepers of our Game were communicating best practices to help each other and the wild turkey. It’s a great story and one want you’ll want to share. Listen, Learn, Enjoy.

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