EP:210 | Dr. Bret Collier Talks Nesting, Gobbling and Long Beards | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:210 | Dr. Bret Collier Talks Nesting, Gobbling and Long Beards

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper
YouTube video

This week we share a podcast recorded recently at the NWTF national convention with none other than Dr. Bret Collier of LSU. Bret has been studying turkeys a long time and actually took part in the first GPS turkey study. He tells the story about how it all this got started at a bar with a drawing a sketch of the GPS unit on a napkin. Later he melts our minds as he explains his thoughts of raccoons and other so-called nest predators actually being nest scavengers. You might have to listen to this one twice for it to sink in while the take away is we need to continue our focus on habitat, but also step up our larger predator trapping skills. In the end, he has some sage advice for turkey hunters that he has gleaned from his studies of hunters and gobblers. Listen, Learn and Enjoy.

Show Notes:
Stay connected to Dr. collier:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drshortspur/?hl=en
X: https://twitter.com/drshortspur?lang=en

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