EP:195 | What’s Wrong With My Deer!?!? Disease or Abnormality? | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:195 | What’s Wrong With My Deer!?!? Disease or Abnormality?

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper
YouTube video

This week we are joined by Dr. Bronson Strickland of the Mississippi State Deer Lab and he explains deer anomalies. Occasionally at the skinning rack we notice things about our deer that make us wonder everything from what is that, to, is the meat good to eat? Luckily, Bronson knows all and explains it all without getting too gross. You’ll hear about arterial worms, nasal bots, cutaneous fibroma, brain abscess, Bullwinkle syndrome, liver flukes, louse flies and more. It’s an interesting discussion and information that will make you appreciate the white-tailed deer a little bit more. Bronson also brings his own trivia question and attempts to stump us. Listen, Learn and Enjoy.

Show Notes:
(1) MSU Deer Lab: https://www.msudeer.msstate.edu/index.php
(2) MSU Deer Lab Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/msudeerlab/
(3) MSU Deer Lab Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/msu.deerlab/
(4) MSU Deer Lab X: https://twitter.com/MSUDeerLab

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