EP:184 | The Tree Man Chuck Leavell | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:184 | The Tree Man Chuck Leavell

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper
YouTube video

This week we have a world famous musician, Mr. Chuck Leavell. While he’s been the keyboardist for The Rolling Stones for 40 years and now the musical director, he was also with the Allman Brothers in their heydays in the 70’s. There are too many more musical accolades to list. You may be wondering why we had him as a guest? Let us tell you – Chuck has a diverse chunk of land in central Georgia that he manages for wildlife, but he is also a vocal advocate for trees and sustainable forestry and has also authored several books on the subject. He has received numerous related awards including the National Tree Farmer of the year, and believe us, he is well versed when discussing the importance of trees and their management. It has been Dudley’s goal to have him on after watching the numerous PBS shows and the documentary “Chuck Leavell: The Tree Man.” It’s refreshing. Listen, Learn and Enjoy!
Show Notes:

(1) Chuck Leavell: The Tree Man – https://www.chuckleavellthetreeman.com/

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