EP:174 | Fighting Invasive Species With The Python Cowboy | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:174 | Fighting Invasive Species With The Python Cowboy

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper
YouTube video

This week we all listen in amazement to the stories that our guest Trapper Mike AKA the @pythoncowboy shares. Southern Florida and the Everglades has become an invasive species nightmare with pythons, monitor lizards, iguanas and even herpes infected monkeys. Trapper Mike, a “Gladesman” is doing his part to protect the wild places he loves. In the process, he has trained an amazing dog named Otto to help him find snakes, snake eggs and retrieve the iguanas. Mikes an interesting guy and his passion for the Everglades is apparent. Toxey thinks he has the best dog story he has ever heard. You must hear Mikes story of the 135 pound python that severs an artery in his arm and nearly took him down while he was hunting by himself. Listen, Learn and Enjoy.

Show Notes:
Follow the Python Cowboy (Trapper Mike)
Facebook – @MartincountyTrapping&WildlifeRescue
Instagram – @pythoncowboy
YouTube – @PythonCowboy

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