EP:166 | Hank Parker – Way More Than Fishing | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:166 | Hank Parker – Way More Than Fishing

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper
YouTube video

This week one of our favorite Gamekeepers, Hank Parker, sits down in studio and we cover so many topics it’s hard to describe. Once we get down to business we discuss building a new pond, how to improve an existing pond, legal issues around building, managing fishing pressure, favorite lures, adding structure, and more. Of course with all of his life experiences he has a story that relates to each and every topic. You’ll be surprised to learn how long a bowfin can live in the mud of a dried up pond. At the end Hank shares how he gets through the stresses of life and what it means to have friends. This is a good one. Listen, Learn and Enjoy!

Show Notes:
Stay connected with Hank at https://hankparker.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hankparkersoutdoormagazine/

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