EP:134 | Restoring Native Habitat with Kyle Lybarger & Jake Brown | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:134 | Restoring Native Habitat with Kyle Lybarger & Jake Brown

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper
YouTube video

This week on the GameKeeper Podcast we’re excited to have finally had Kyle Lybarger and Jake Brown from The @NativeHabitatProject in the studio – where we covered as many bases as we could on native and non-native flora, wildlife habitat, burning, savannahs and other ecosystems, and more. We got downright philosophical and really “nerded out” on some cool topics, like: what did the landscape look like 500 years ago, and how can we achieve that look again, but what would be your modern tweaks?, and what if ole Smokey The Bear never entered the picture???. We all made new friends, and learned something as well. Listen, Learn, and Enjoy!

Show Notes:
Big thanks to Kyle Lybarger and Jake Brown with The Native Habitat Project (https://www.nativehabitatproject.com/)
Follow The Native Habitat Project on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/nativehabitatproject/)
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