EP:131 | Arrowheads & Artifacts from the Original Gamekeepers | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:131 | Arrowheads & Artifacts from the Original Gamekeepers

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper
YouTube video

This week we welcome Jessica Crawford, an incredibly knowledgeable Archaeologist hailing from The Archaeological Conservancy, to discuss all things related to our Native American cultures spanning from thousands of years ago to present day. What type of tools did they use and how did they make them? What site types did they inhabit? Did they practice any type of gamekeeping similar to how we do it today? Where do I look for artifacts, and what is ethical and/or legal means of doing so, and how do I properly document them? What do I do if I find a “site” or “mound” on my property? We also shared a couple of stories about the dark side of artifact collecting. Jessica and her family come from a long line of hardcore hunters and farmers, making her a perfect fit for this discussion we’ve been wanting to have for quite some time. Listen, Learn, and Enjoy!!!

Show Notes:
Big thanks to Jessica Crawford from The Archaeological Conservancy: https://www.archaeologicalconservancy.org/

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