EP:97 | Managing For World Record Bluegill | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:97 | Managing For World Record Bluegill

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper

This week on the podcast we talk about growing big bream. Really big bream, copper nose bluegills over three pounds to be more exact.  Guest Sarah Parvin has proven she and her dad can grow three pounders regularly. She tells how and explains the project she and her father started to grow a world record bream in North Alabama. Their pond is called the Slab Lab and it’s impressive. Also retired fisheries scientist and founder of American Sportfish Hatchery, Don Keller joins us to tell us the science behind the Copper Nose Blue Gill and the waters that produce giants. It’s a fascinating story and we all learned something. We also give another clue for our prize package. Listen, Learn and Enjoy.

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