EP:92 | The Plight of the Bobwhite Quail | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:92 | The Plight of the Bobwhite Quail

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper


This week on the Gamekeepers podcast we have Dr. Mark McConnell of Mississippi State University and grad student Olivia Lappin sitting between the turkeys and talking wild bobwhite quail. We all love to hear him whistle and we lament the fact that there are so few of them on the landscape now. They explain what led to the beloved birds down fall and what cutting edge research is doing to understand ways to influence a comeback. Along the way we talk about French poodles as retrievers, thermal imaging to see quail in their circular roosts and much more. It’s a fascinating discussion.  Listen, Learn and Enjoy.

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