EP:9 | David Lindsey Tells the Story of a Buck Named Mr. Mumbles | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:9 | David Lindsey Tells the Story of a Buck Named Mr. Mumbles

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper

On this episode of GameKeeper Podcast, we talk with David Lindsey of The Lindsey Way. David tells the amazing story of Mr. Mumbles, the 9 ½ year old Georgia buck that was only seen three times in person and left a long history of sheds on the ground. Mr. Mumbles finally shows himself during an early bow season hunt and the rest is history. David also shares a few tips on what makes their GA farm so successful and how the trees they plant, play a key role in their hunting success.

Also Dudley answers the Ask Dudley questions, and the Gamekeeper crew discuss how persimmons seem to be the downfall of many early season southern bucks. 

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October 05, 2020

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