EP:8 | Cawt By The Yawt: Trapping with David Ellis | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:8 | Cawt By The Yawt: Trapping with David Ellis

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper

On this episode of the GameKeeper Podcast, we welcome our first in-studio guest, the trapper and social media phenomenon David Ellis, famously known as YawtYawt. The Yawt talks; techniques on trapping the big sounders; traps he prefers; the difference between lures and baits, singing to skunks, and giving back to the community. The crew discusses: Mississippi State University hog tracking research; deer season kicking off; last minute food plot equipment repairs; acorns falling and some giant bucks already on the bragging board. Dudley answers the questions: what’s the best food plot option for low moisture; best oak trees for lowland areas that are flooded in winter for ducks. We also dabble in piebald deer, long tail cats, southern black bears, and much more! 



Stay connected with YawtYawt:

Website – https://yawtyawt.com/

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/DavidEllisYawtYawt/

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/davidellisyawtyawt/



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September 29, 2020

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