EP:79 | How George Mayfield Hunts Turkeys | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:79 | How George Mayfield Hunts Turkeys

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper


This week we ask some in-depth turkey hunting questions of one our most popular guests from last year, Mr. George Mayfield. His lifetime of chasing turkeys has taught him a thing or two about closing the deal with tough longbeards. George sits down in the studio and we methodically ask him questions.  There is a lot of info that can be gleaned that will no doubt improve a listener’s turkey hunting game.  Listen, Learn, and Enjoy!

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Other Episodes with George:
EP:27 | Understanding The Gobble with George Mayfield Pt.1
EP:28 | Turkey Hunting Tips with George Mayfield Pt.2

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