EP:71 | Fishing Is Hunting | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:71 | Fishing Is Hunting

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper


With temps hovering around freezing or colder in most of the country, we decided to shift gears this week and think about warmer climes and fishing adventures. World class tarpon guide, Craig Brewer, joined us to deer hunt recently.  While he was in town we sat him down to explain what’s going on with the water quality of the Everglades and the Florida Keys. As Gamekeepers, we need to pay attention to what’s happening. Of course we also talk fishing/hunting, and we all learn a lot from a man who was born to be a tarpon guide. Craig and his father were the first, and for many years, the only father/son to both win the prestigious Gold Cup of Tarpon Fishing as guides. The man is legendary, and his knowledge and insight is invaluable. Listen and learn. Enjoy!

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