EP:7 | Dr. M.E.E.N Green Explains Food Plot Micronutrients | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:7 | Dr. M.E.E.N Green Explains Food Plot Micronutrients

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper

On this episode of the GameKeeper Podcast we welcome Dr. Edward Snoddy, Ph.D. also known as Dr. M.E.E.N Green to us. We go deep with Dr. Snoddy on how and why MEEN Green, BioLogic’s foliar fertilizer works and the importance of micronutrients in your food plots. Dudley answers questions on spacing trees, growth rate, and planting grass plugs. The crew also discusses an interesting technique on how to hold a dragonfly without causing any damage (spoiler alert: with your lips), Madonna’s personal Gamekeeper and much more.

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