EP:64 | The Ins & Outs of Processing Deer Meat | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:64 | The Ins & Outs of Processing Deer Meat

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper

This week on The Gamekeeper Podcast we dig deep into the world of processing venison from two different angles. First, Brad Lockwood joins us on the phone to discuss “harvest to freezer” from a DIY standpoint. Brad has been a very prominent name in the DIY processing biz for years, and we spent time gleaning ideas and techniques from him including aging meat. Next up is Chris Herring, a well-respected local game meat processor, who joins us in the studio. Chris clears the air by answering a few touchy questions we’ve always wanted to ask, like “how do I know I’m getting my own deer back,” but also talks about some specialty products that can be made, packaging options, and others.  This one was very educational, but we still managed to get a few laughs in as well. Listen, learn and enjoy.

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