EP:62 | Becoming a GameKeeper: The Story of Lost Brake | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:62 | Becoming a GameKeeper: The Story of Lost Brake

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper

A lot of guys dream about having their own hunting property and consider partnering with some buddies…but how many people actually get it done? This week on the Gamekeepers Podcast we talk to Brooks Tinsley, rabid duck hunter who recently partnered with some friends and found a way to buy an island in the Mississippi River. The discussion centers around how to find a place and the process of turning the Island into waterfowl destination and deer hunters dream.  A listener can learn from the problems they’ve had to overcome and what’s working for them.  Listen and learn.

Brought to you by: Duluth Pack

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Watch: Lost Brake Waterfowl Series


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