Ep:6 | Fire, Ready, Aim... and Jelly Biscuits | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

Ep:6 | Fire, Ready, Aim… and Jelly Biscuits

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper

On this episode of the GameKeeper Podcast the crew discusses: remembering where we were on 9/11/01; opening day youth dove hunt, the excitement of the hunt that causes the fire, ready, aim reflex; Dove Necropsy – what is it and why it is important to know; Preview of GameKeepers Fall magazine issue on wildlife bridges and rifle silencers; The amazing muscadine and Bobby brings a surprise snack; Ask Dudley on planting persimmons, early season hunting spots, and dove lifespans; PLUS everything in between.


·         Remembering 9/11

·         Youth Dove Hunt

·         Dove Necropsy

·         GameKeepers Magazine Fall issue preview – funnels, wildlife bridges, using a silencer

·         The amazing muscadine 

·         Ask Dudley – Tips on planting persimmons, early season hunting spots, and dove lifespans.



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