EP:46 | Improving Wildlife Habitat with Fire | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:46 | Improving Wildlife Habitat with Fire

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper

On this episode, guest Dr. Marcus Lashley AKA @drdisturbence and Director of the UF Deer Lab (@ufdeerlab) joins the gang to discuss the importance of prescribed fire when managing wildlife habitat. Whether its deer, turkeys or quail this fascinating discussion covers many of the questions that people have about burning parts of their property. The good Dr. even shares a tip that he says can get a bowhunter 10 times more bowshots this fall. It’s all about improving habitat to make your property attractive to more wildlife. Enjoy and learn.    

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Stay connected with Dr. Marcus Lashley:

Instagram (@drdisturbance): https://www.instagram.com/drdisturbance/ 

Twitter (@DrDisturbance): https://twitter.com/drdisturbance?lang=en 

Facebook (@ufdeerlab): https://www.facebook.com/ufdeerlab/ 

YouTube (UF DEER Lab): https://www.youtube.com/c/ufdeerlab 

Fire University Podcast: https://fireuniversity.libsyn.com/ 


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July 13, 2021

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