EP:41 | Bass Pond Management with Shan O'Gorman | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:41 | Bass Pond Management with Shan O’Gorman

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper

This week we start a summer series about managing a fish ponds for maximum fish production. Fisheries Scientist Shan O’Gorman the @aquatic_biologist joins us to discuss helpful strategies that he has learned through trial and error. Managing a pond involves a lot of trust and it can be problematic at times but the resource responds to applied science. Watching it improve is hugely rewarding. Learn how in this episode. Enjoy! PS: Do you know how much a 24 inch bass should weigh? 

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Stay In-Touch with Shan:
 Instagarm: https://www.instagram.com/aquatic_biologist/


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June 08, 2021

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