EP:38 | Understanding What Your Soil Needs | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:38 | Understanding What Your Soil Needs

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper

This week we welcome Johnny McRight, a renowned soil scientist and owner of DeltAg, a Mississippi company that helps farmers grow their best crops. Johnny has helped farmers from across the South and Mid-West for the last 45 years answer questions while developing products that improve soil and plant nutrition. If you want your food plots to be all they can be, this podcast is a must listen. Johnny explains pH, and puts the quantity of lime needed into perspective better than we have ever heard. Learn the correct way to pull a sample, why crop residue is important, soil microbes, no till, and everything in between. A successful food plot starts with the soil and Johnny knows his soils. This one will help you become a better Gamekeeper! Enjoy!

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Brought to you by Mossy Oak Properties: https://www.mossyoakproperties.com/

Learn more about DeltAg: https://seedcoat.com/

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May 18, 2021

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