EP:37 | The Reelfoot Lake Tragedy | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:37 | The Reelfoot Lake Tragedy

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper

In late January, the duck hunting community was shocked when the news broke out of Reelfoot Lake that two duck hunters had been killed, and a manhunt for the alleged killer was underway. Rumors ran rampant, especially when the body of the suspect was recovered. Now that the dust has settled, we’ve learned the truth is different than what rumors led most hunters to believe. But the murders still leave many unanswered questions. The Gamekeeper Podcast welcomes Outdoor Life Senior Deputy Editor Natalie Krebs, who interviewed the only witness, and other Reelfoot hunters, to write a very compelling story of the events that occurred that fateful day. A GoFundMe has been set up for the families and funeral expenses of the two men who were killed. To donate, click here. (http://bit.ly/Reelfoot-Support)

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Chance Black and Zack Grooms Memorial Fund | GoFundMe link – http://bit.ly/Reelfoot-Support

Read the story on Outdoor Life at – https://www.outdoorlife.com/story/deep-dives/duck-hunters-killed-reelfoot-lake-tennessee/

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