EP:301 | (Timely Classic EP:138) So You Think You Know Coyotes? | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:301 | (Timely Classic EP:138) So You Think You Know Coyotes?

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper


On this timely classic episode (EP:190) we are honored to have Dr. Dana Morin, an Applied Population Ecologist with the Carnivore and Population Ecology Lab at the Forest and Wildlife Research Center at Mississippi State, sitting between the turkeys and explaining many facts about coyotes. We learn they are a fascinating animal, very much deserving of our respect even though we still seem to want to trap or shoot each one we see. They weren’t always in the Eastern half of the U.S., yet have you ever wondered how they got here? Why do they howl? Just how smart are they? If you trap one how long does it take another to fill the void? How large are their territories?  Her vast amount of research into their habits and habitat allow her to provide us some serious insight. We learn it all and more. Listen, Learn and Enjoy!          

Show Notes:
Big thanks to Dr. Dana Morin with the MSU Carnivore and Population Ecology Lab 

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