EP:30 | A Legacy of Wild Turkeys and Haas Family Traditions | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:30 | A Legacy of Wild Turkeys and Haas Family Traditions

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper


This week Mossy Oak’s own Daniel and Neill Haas sit down “Between the Turkeys” and discuss turkey hunting experiences with their grandfather, Mr. Fox Haas and their dad Toxey. The conversation starts at their first turkeys and covers Mr. Fox’s legacy of restoring wild turkeys to Clay County, Mississippi. Later, the interesting details of the original Mossy Oak tree are discussed.  Trust us, this is a fun one with plenty of laughs but it’s also is a touching display of love and respect for family. When Bobby asks Lannie and Dudley, what did we learn today? We believe the answer is how to be a better person. Enjoy.

Presented by: Gunner Kennels (https://gunner.com/)

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