EP:281 | Bow Hunting a 216-Inch Typical Buck | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:281 | Bow Hunting a 216-Inch Typical Buck

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper


This week, we’re joined by bow hunter Tommy Allen of Ohio, who recently harvested a once-in-several-lifetimes buck—a 216-inch typical giant he named Zeus. Tommy shares the incredible story and history behind this legendary deer, from passing on him a year earlier to give him time to grow, to dealing with neighbors hunting him, and Zeus becoming camera-shy and shifting his home range. We were captivated by Tommy’s determination, patience, and ability to stay calm when it mattered most. It’s an inspiring story filled with lessons that every hunter can apply. Listen, Learn, and Enjoy!

YouTube video

Show Notes:
Read the story in Field & Stream: https://www.fieldandstream.com/hunting/tommy-allen-216-inch-ohio-whitetail

Video coming soon on @buckeyeboyzoutdoors: https://www.youtube.com/@buckeyeboyzoutdoors

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