EP:276 | Bonus: Aldo Leopold - The Father of Modern Wildlife Management | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:276 | Bonus: Aldo Leopold – The Father of Modern Wildlife Management

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper


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This week we are celebrating the 75th anniversary of the publishing of Aldo Leopold’s timeless classic book, A Sand County Almanac. We are joined by Dr. Curt Meine and Buddy Huffaker of the Aldo Leopold Foundation and our own Daniel Haas who has a fascination with the topic. We learn about Aldo’s early years, his interest in hunting and the journey of how he came to be known as the father of modern wildlife management while helping create awareness of environmental ethics. It’s an inspiring discussion and a story that anyone who loves land and wildlife needs to hear. Listen, Learn and Enjoy.

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Show Notes:
The Aldo Leopold Foundation: https://www.aldoleopold.org/
A Sand County Almanac: https://www.aldoleopold.org/products/a-sand-county-almanac?variant=46004015366457
Photo Credit: Courtesy of the Aldo Leopold Foundation and University of Wisconsin-Madison Archives

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