EP:264 | Bonus: From Bachelor Groups to Fight Club | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:264 | Bonus: From Bachelor Groups to Fight Club

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper


On this bonus episode, Dr. Bronson Strickland of the Miss State Deer Lab joins us to explain antler mineralization, velvet shedding and the process by which testosterone starts building and eventually busts up the friendly bachelor groups. We also talk about ticks, minerals, bucks home range, moon phases, hermaphrodites, testicular injuries, the drought, the multi-year effect of the drought and stress events, effects of heat on deer, and preparing to plant with no rain on the horizon. It’s a great discussion. Listen, Learn and Enjoy.              

Show Notes:
MSU Deer Lab: https://www.msudeer.msstate.edu/ 

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