EP:261 | Insights into Sandhill Cranes with Dr. Blake Grisham & Courtenay Conring | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:261 | Insights into Sandhill Cranes with Dr. Blake Grisham & Courtenay Conring

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper


This week we’re are joined in studio by Dr. Blake Grisham of Texas Tech and Courtenay Conring, a hardworking young biologist. These two and others have been working a long term research project on Sandhill Cranes. It’s a very interesting discussion and we learned so much.  Most people don’t understand the various populations of cranes, their migration, pair bonding, parenting skills and how long lived they are. We did know that they are referred to as “ribeye in the sky” and it was confirmed they are in fact delicious. We also learned just how much fun they are to hunt and we were surprised to learn just how wary they are. Sandhill Cranes have a beautiful throaty call and once you have heard one it’s easy to recognize.  We are proud to know these researchers are helping other state agencies understand these wild birds to better manage them.  Listen, Learn and Enjoy.

YouTube video

Show Notes:
Dr. Blake Grisham: https://www.depts.ttu.edu/nrm/people/faculty/faculty_pages/blakegrisham/grisham.php
Courtenay Conring: https://www.instagram.com/courtenay_conring/
Photo Credit, Joseph Richards: https://www.instagram.com/richardsoutdoorphoto/ | https://www.facebook.com/richardsoutdoorphotography | https://www.richardsoutdoorphotography.com/

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