EP:260 | Bonus: Seed Coating Explained | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:260 | Bonus: Seed Coating Explained

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper


On this bonus podcast it’s an education on how science and technology is helping to enhance seedling survival on super small seeds like clovers, alfalfas and select brassicas. We are joined by Bill Talley of Summit Coatings a long time seedsman who does a great job of explaining the thought process behind coating seed and adding inoculants.  This is a technology that’s made many people wonder what’s going on as the overall seed count is lower, the seed is made heavier, but in the end you’ll have more plants survive. If your into food plots and especially clover, you need to listen and it will help your wildlife farming skills. Listen, Learn and Enjoy.            

Show Notes:
Summit Coatings: https://summitseedcoatings.com/ 

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