EP:26 | The Legendary Mossy Head Turkey | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:26 | The Legendary Mossy Head Turkey

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper


On episode 26 of The GameKeeper Podcast, we tackle the topic of the legendary Mossy Head wild turkey. Are they a distinct species or is it just a unique genetic trait? To help us answer these questions we welcome our own David Hawley, VP of Business Development with Mossy Oak Properties, obsessed turkey hunter and founder of the Wild Turkey Report. We also talk with Tim Cosby, former Chief Law Enforcement officer with over 30 years’ experience with the Alabama Department of Conservation. Described as a smaller, darker colored turkey with large spurs that could possibly be the original strain of wild turkey. Both of our turkey obsessed guests give their opinions on the Mossy Heads and share stories of this legendary bird. We also discuss, David showing off his turkey calling skills on the David Letterman Show, possible proof of the existence of the southern long tail cats. Dudley answers a listeners question on planting bald cypress in an area that floods. Enjoy!

Presented by GameKeeper Field Wear (gamekeepersfieldwear.com)

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