EP:259 | Talking Ungulates with Dave Owens | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:259 | Talking Ungulates with Dave Owens

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper


This week we have one of our favorite guests talk deer hunting with us. Dave Owens of the Pinhoti Project is a rabid turkey hunter, and each fall he manages to wrap a tag around an old bruiser whitetail. Is he equally obsessed? What deer sign does he key in on? What are his favorite setups? Is it feed such as acorns or persimmons? Trails? Near bedding?  We ask the question, what does he think makes him such a successful hunter? He’s a humble guy but we pull out some qualities that we all can apply to our own hunts. It’s a good discussion – one that a deer hunter will certainly enjoy. Does he get revenge with a trivia question? Listen, Learn and Enjoy.

YouTube video

Show Notes:
Pinhoti Project: https://pinhotiproject.com/

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