EP:248 | Bonus: Night Killers, Blood Lusting Poachers | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:248 | Bonus: Night Killers, Blood Lusting Poachers

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper


This week we are joined by retired Game Warden Tim Flanigan. His new book, Night Killers: Blood Lusting Poachers tells the story of his career operating in the dark of night chasing night hunters. The poaching activity where outlaws utilize bright lights to aid in the unethical harvest of deer goes by many names such as shining, spotlighting, and jacklighting to name a few, and it occurs wherever whitetails live. His stories are shocking to say the least – from the blatant disregard with wounding animals to flagrantly threatening the wardens life, which was in clear danger more times than we could count.  We explore why some folks fear “Mr. Green Jeans” and we try to understand why poaching even has an appeal to some. By the end of the recording you will have been amazed at what this man went through to protect wildlife in his home state of Pennsylvania. Listen, Learn and Enjoy.

YouTube video

Show Notes:
Buy the book – https://www.amazon.com/Night-Killers-Blood-Lusting-Poachers/dp/B0D7QDT85X

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