EP:227 | More Mark Thomas (Part 2) | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:227 | More Mark Thomas (Part 2)

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper


This week we continue with part 2 of our interesting discussion with wildlife and habitat aficionado Mark Thomas. He starts off teaching us where to shoot a charging grizzly bear and from there we learn about neonicotinoids and turkeys, how to build a spray rig boom, a liquid liming rig, understanding surfactants, the importance of eventually cutting timber, understanding human psychology, plants he likes to have in ecotones, warm season grasses, how your neighbors influence how you hunt and more including a tale of his ownership of two Missouri jumping mules. He ends with a story of an encounter with Maine Game Wardens while moose hunting and being filmed for the North Woods Law TV show.  It’s a fun one. Listen, Learn and Enjoy.

YouTube video

Show Notes:
Forestry Wildlife Integration, LLC – https://www.facebook.com/ForestryWildlifeIntegration/

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