On this week’s BONUS episode we have Bill Sugg, Ronnie “Cuz” Strickland and David Loftis join us. We learn quickly from Mr. Loftis that the push button is WAY more than a beginners call. In fact, his calling inspires a normally mild mannered Bill Sugg into joining him with even more push button chaos. Later, Cuz gives us a deep dive on his famous tube call and he teaches us how he uses one to locate turkeys. It’s an educational experience. Listen, Learn and Enjoy.

Show Notes:
Loftis Custom Turkey Calls: https://www.loftiscustomturkeycalls.com/
When does deer season start? If you want the best deer herd possible this fall – then deer season starts NOW. For a limited time podcast listeners get 10% off with coupon code: GKPOD
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April 19, 2024