EP:21 | Whitetail Strategies with Jeff Lindsey of The Lindsey Way | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:21 | Whitetail Strategies with Jeff Lindsey of The Lindsey Way

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper

On episode 21 of The Gamekeeper Podcast we’re all about whitetails. We welcome Jeff Lindsey with The Lindsey Way to talk about his strategies on managing and consistently harvesting big whitetails, and put Jeff to the test on the new “So You Think You’re a GameKeeper” quiz segment. We also give our good friend Austin Ashley a call to get the scoop on a giant Mississippi whitetail named Dagger that he recently harvested. Dudley answers a question from a listener in Halifax, Virginia, about what low maintenance fruit trees will work – plus much more.

Listen wherever you get your podcast!

Presented by: Apex Ammunition (https://apexmunition.com/)

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January 05, 2021

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