EP:205 | Nest Predator Trapping Explained | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:205 | Nest Predator Trapping Explained

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper


This week’ in studio guests are Bill Duke of Duke Traps along with a very successful husband and wife trapping team, Karen and Dave Linkhart. The unique couple hail from Ohio, but travel all over trapping raccoons, otters, coyotes and many other varmints. This couple has an interesting story and are as serious about trapping and their lifestyle as you should be when setting a conibear. We ask a lot of basic questions about trapping from a nest predator trapping perspective and are certain anyone can learn something from these trappers years of experience.  Many of us are on a mission to reduce nest predators on our properties and save more poults. These trappers have the answers to many of your questions. Listen, Learn and Enjoy.

Show Notes:
 Duke Traps: https://www.duketraps.com/ 
National Trappers Association: https://www.nationaltrappers.com/ 

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