EP:203 | 210 Inch Mississippi Whitetail | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:203 | 210 Inch Mississippi Whitetail

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper


This week we’re AMAZED – and to be honest, we’re ENVIOUS of the 210 inch set of antlers brought in by Austin and Meghan Ashley. It’s one of the biggest and prettiest deer to ever be killed in the South. Meghan killed this deer in south Mississippi, and immediately after the photos hit social media a storm of rumors, negativity, and theories appeared amongst a few congrats. Listen to the very end as we asked the questions that hopefully helped explain how a man obsessed with growing bigger deer has managed to do it. We humbly admit we need to work on our antler envy issues and while we do that, we hope you’ll listen to this story. It’s a good one. Listen, Learn and Enjoy.

YouTube video

Show Notes:
Follow Austin on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/austin18ashley/?hl=en
Follow Meghan on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/megan.folkes.ashley/?hl=en

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