EP:199 | Buck Movement Scientifically Studied and Explained | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:199 | Buck Movement Scientifically Studied and Explained

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper


This week we have Dr. Bronson Strickland of the Mississippi State Deer Lab discussing their recent publication on whitetail buck movements. We talk about the rut, moon phases, hunting pressure, vegetation management and notions the old timers trusted that have now been debunked by science. You can’t really argue with GPS collars. Dudley said it’s our best deer discussion to date. It’s a lively conversation that will make you think. Listen, Learn and Enjoy!

YouTube video

Show Notes:
Dr. Bronson Strickland: https://www.fwrc.msstate.edu/people/bks10
MSU Deer Lab: https://www.msudeer.msstate.edu/

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